Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Update on Zoey:

Well I took Zoey to the vet this morning for them to take her blood to check her diabetes progress and for them to check out her eyes. She is basically 100% blind and they also told me that she probably has about 2 years left :( Talk about the saddest news EVER! I don't even want to THINK about it! I can't imagine losing Zoey....her is my first doggy and the bestest doggy in the world. I don't remember life without my Zo-Zo....and I don't wanna have to imagine it without her in the future. She will be 9 this year, so I know that she is getting old....but I just hope that they are wrong about that. Breaks my heart to think about it. I gotta take her back at 3:00 today for them to take her blood again and compare the 2. This morning they took it without me giving her insulin to her and then this afternoon they will take it WITH the insulin in her system. She weighs 59 lbs and is holding at that weight which is good. That means that her bloodsugar is most likely regulated almost 100%. My poor puppy. I wuv her.

1 comment:

  1. oh I'm so sorry. How did the tests turn out? Were they to see if she needs a different dosage of insulin?

